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The Sensometric Society

DTU Summer School on Sensometrics (PhD course): The Analysis of Sensory and Consumer Data

  • 09 Sep 2013
  • 13 Sep 2013
  • Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

Course Objectives

To improve the ability of analysing human perception data. Some of the newest statistical methodologies will be covered using the open source software R, among others the packages sensR, ordinal and lmerTest will be used together with the PanelCheck software.


Monday: Simple discimination using R (package sensR)
Tuesday: Mixed models using PanelCheck AND R. (newly developed R-routines)
Wednesday: Multivariate Analysis using PanelCheck
Thursday: Advanced discrimination using R (packages sensR and ordinal)
Friday: More on replicated (discrimination/similarity) data analysis.
Brief student presentations.


  • Professor Per Bruun Brockhoff
  • Post doc Rune H.B. Christensen
    PhD Student Alexandra Kuznetsova
  • DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark
  • Research Scientist, PhD Oliver Tomic, Nofima Mat, Ås, Norway

Registration fee

For PhD (and potential master) students: No fee.

For others: 400 Euro for the whole course and 100 Euro for single day participation. 

A 10% discount for Sensometrics Society members will be given.

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